

Being Stressed Out Isn’t Cute!

I’m Tahauya, former Overachiever, People Pleaser and Golden Child turned Mindset Coach. After spending 20 years trying to achieve my way out of trauma, becoming a perfectionist to make my absent father proud and wanting to take my own life due to the weight of the world on my shoulders…

The desire to overcome depression and end failed relationships led me to a path of healing and freedom (when I finally chose the path to save myself).

During this pivotal time in my life, I learned 3 things:

  • You are not required to know it all.

  • You are not required to have it all together.

  • It is not YOUR job to save the world.


  I wasn’t created to be Superwoman and neither were you!


 My life’s work is to help women escape burnout by shifting their mind to get out of their own way and into their next level.

 Whether your family taught you how to be Superwoman or society forced you to take on this role…

You were probably told to be independent and do things on your own because you can’t count on people. Maybe no one was there for you growing up, so you make it a priority to be there for everyone -- no matter how you feel.

Spending most of your days like this?

  • Fighting to overcome the negative thoughts that keep popping up when you’re ready to move forward

  • Mentally exhausted, constantly fatigued and can’t remember the last time you had a “real break.

  • You’ve lost your faith because your life doesn’t look like what God promised you

  • You make good money, but can never seem to mark off any of the big goals on your vision board

This is where you tag me in

As a Mindset Coach for Strong Friends, I help you pivot from being Superwoman to your own SHEro. During our time together, you will learn the strategies and tools to get out of your own way and into your next level.

My expertise is helping women bridge the gap from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset so they can begin to recognize their worth and walk into the abundant life that they deserve.

Life gave me many lessons and now I share the blueprint with women who are ready to retire from being Superwoman, take their power back and finally show up for themselves.


“Working with Tahauya has helped me realize that the life and happiness that I desire is truly possible and everything that I need to be great is already on the inside of me. The mindset work was necessary to elevate and Tahauya made it a fun and fulfilling experience. She has helped me shift my mind and thoughts to grow in every area of life, love and business. I would recommend Tahauya to anyone who is ready to get out of their own way!

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Tiara Davis, MBA

Owner of The Union Co-Working Space

 The expectations of society weigh heavily on women like a ton of bricks.

What’s expected of women doesn’t even compare to what it really takes to exist as a woman in today’s world. The daily demands of work, school, business and family coupled with the mental and physical exhaustion from not taking care of you.

As a result, you’ve burned yourself out trying to close the gap and make everyone happy.

What you need now is someone to help you break free from the need to “do it all” so that you finally can “have it all” and be happy with it!

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“I sacrificed my sanity to be Superwoman..”

The constant days of searching for non-existent energy to show up for others, while spending countless nights crying myself to sleep. The weight of the world was on my shoulders and I felt like a puppet working overtime to make everyone happy to the point that I lost myself in the process. I was Superwoman -- determined to save the world by any means necessary, even if it led to “disguised” depression or an anxiety attack.


 Check out my recent podcast interviews and live streams for the best mindset and mental health tips!

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